1:1 Personalized
Parent coaching program

Sarah N., mom to 5 year old says…

"I can only begin to express how grateful I am to Raelee for her patient, soulful, wise guidance. Even after my first coaching session with her I felt a profound sense of relief -- a lifting of the weight of anxiety and frustration and preoccupation I'd been burdened by -- as she shifted my focus from "fix it mode" to a larger, holistic picture of my relationship with my child and a trust in his gradual unfolding. Within just a couple of sessions, my attitude transformed from "I don't know if anyone can help me" to an almost magical experience of calm, trust, and wellbeing. The impact on my child's behavior and our relationship was beautiful and immediate." 

Welcome, dear friend. I’m so glad you’re here.

  • I’ve been where you are. Scouring the internet for answers to make parenting less stressful.Feeling like every part of your life - not just your parenting - is in disarray.

  • You’re angry, your kids are angry, and you’re past your breaking point.

  • Parenting is HARD. Plain and simple.

  • It’s not for lack of love or trying that has brought you here.

  • You’re here because you are tired. Tired of the yelling. Tired of the fighting. Tired of the disrespect.

  • This is not the parent you set out to be.

  • The good news is that it’s never too late to pivot in your parenting. You can reclaim your parenting authority. You can reclaim your peace.

book your free 60 minute consult


My personalized parent coaching program is designed with your unique family in mind - I’ll take your struggles, challenges, and goal + couple them with a personalized plan to help you …

Reduce conflict ☑️

Connect with your children ☑️

Increase cooperation ☑️

So you can …

Take back the lead of your children and restore peace in your home.

My 1:1 parent coaching program offers a holistic approach to parenting and child development.

You are seeking a deeper understanding and practical guidance in nurturing your children’s emotional and psychological well-being and my personalized parenting package will get you there.

I specialize in applying developmental science to the raising of children so that you can have confidence in understanding the WHY behind your child’s behavior and the HOW to remain in control.

You value authenticity, empathy, and connection and as your Certified Parent Coach, so do I.

There is nothing more important than your family, don’t wait to get the help you deserve.

here’s what it looks like to work with me …

step one

We’ll begin with a 60 minute Consult via Zoom where we’ll uncover your biggest parenting challenges and discuss a strategy that aligns with your family’s needs and goals.

We’ll talk through …

  1. Your parenting goals: where you are and where you want to be

  2. The current state of your family life: what’s working and what’s not

  3. Next steps to reclaim peace in your home: this free session may be all you need to get on-track with focusing on the well-being of your family; if there’s more work we can do together, we can chat about what that could look like

I’m confident that if our values align, and my coaching services can bring a much-needed shift to your parenting, then teaming up with me is the next step to truly reclaiming peace for your family.

step two

I’ll come up with a plan specific to your family’s needs.

  1. Personalized strategy: parent coaching sessions are tailored to your unique family situation

  2. 100% online: 1:1 personalized parent coaching sessions and self-study parenting courses are 100% online, ensuring flexibility for you

  3. Flexible payment: Payment plans are available for all coaching packages and courses

How do I know if a parent coach
is right for my family?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to families, but if any of these sound familiar,
then a parent coach may be right for you:

—> You feel helpless and overwhelmed by your child’s defiance, tantrums, and meltdowns.

—> You feel defeated by your tween or teen’s constant lying, sneaking, and breaking your rules.

—> You find yourself losing your temper often.

—> You feel like you’ve tried everything and feel like giving up is the best option.

—> You relent to screen time as a default because you feel the pressure to keep them entertained or just need a break from parenting.

—> Your days are chaotic and messy, and you feel like you’re drowning just to keep up as a parent.

—> Your child deals with one or more of the following:

  • Rage, aggression, frustration

  • Separation anxiety

  • Sibling rivalry

  • Tween or teen anxiety

looking for other ways to receive support in your parenting journey?
check out my
self-study courses & downloads